
Post-based Cat Chess game

Here are the rules of Cat Chess.

Sides:There are three sides in the game, white, black and feline.
The white and black sides consist of a normal army while the feline side consists of two cats.

New piece: A cat can not be captured, can move at most two steps in any direction at a time, can capture or push any piece(s) within its range. Cats originally are on h4 and h5. If a cat decides to push any piece then the cat must move in the same direction as the pushed piece. Any piece that is pushed off the board is removed.

The goal of the cats is to disrupt the game as much as possible. If either white or black wins then the felines lost. On the other hand, if white and black reaches a draw for any reason, (such as one side can move nothing partly because the cats have blocked the way) the feline side win.

The idea of cat chess comes from the thought of a cat jumps on a board and disrupt a chess game between two humans.
Starting position:
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/7C/7C/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1

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