
1st Classical Chess Championship, multi-stage Challenge.

@chesspawnrookking said in #73:
> Yeah I premoved a7 forgetting I moved Nd7+ instead of Nc7+
Yeah a rough one, Still a good game by you and there's plenty of games left to win the tourney! Thealmightygebaby is now the sole leader, but we have two rounds left in the swiss portion.
Tò me It s not fair i talked with @borninthesixties and he told me he could play Just After noon, where i am noon for him is 6 pm Friday suturday sunday i could not becuase i was playing otb tournament. I told him on monday let s play today and i said i can t. I told him tuesday and wednseday i have meeting at 8 pm i cant play at your time. He told me play One thursady i said on thursady i have time until 5pm that Is before of noon there , and has tò start before to finish at 5 pm here. So he said i can t . So he told agree tò a draw without playing. But i can t get It, what s the point tò agree tò a draw without playing? Why? I cant understand. So i said tò him let s play wednseday at 11pm here , his time was 5 pm , i started playing on phone while driving and so i Say this Is not fair. This Is not fair.
Now i go tò sleep
Okay, so this message is kind of confusing but @Allonsanfan is no-longer allowed in the event because he was rude to BITS and myself. He did not communicate to me any of what he was doing and agreed to the set time with Borninthesixties. That is a guaranteed way to forfeit. Also he was on his phone while driving. That's not okay. Round four pairings are out! With this allonsanfan player out of the event we only have eleven now. Luckily as far as I know we no longer have anyone who distracted drives! Yahoo! Alrighty Sorry you have a bye-pass now @Flashmadness.

@ARMANDAS_130 vs @thealmightygebaby
@natakial2 vs @chesspawnrookking
@borninthesixties vs @Dude128
@coolchesscat1 vs @cumulus200
@AVIKTORA55 vs @shortyadamshardwick
@Flashmadness Bye-pass

Sorry we have a third forfeit folks! The post allonsanfan left for us should tell you why he's out of the event decently well. Distracted driving and insulting the deserving winner BITS.
My match is scheduled for 2:00 PM EST on Sunday.

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