
What is wrong with Fabiano Caruana?

Caruana is a great chess player who nearly always was #2 in the world, candidate for the world championship. In 2018 his chess was great and he won nearly all the tournaments but after losing in the world chess championship there was little slump but then come back and everything good. 2019 was great too. 2020 was good too and he won Tata steel masters but that is the last tournament he won, after that started big slump. He didn't show great result in candidates 2020 (in first part lost to Ding and in continuation in 2021 lost to Giri) After that there was Superbet chess classic which was not great and there he showed -1 result, lost to So and Mamedyarov. And now we can see continuation of this slump when he is losing match to 2600 in the world cup. Guys, how do you think why is slump happening and will Fabi show great chess again? I am big Fabi fan, this is very important for me. Thanks everyone!
Could it be that the Pandemic time affected him and his play?
Online Chess Really has screwed him over and he looks totally like a different person which is sad to see, when i see him more in the past tour events he looks like a mess with his health and same goes for other players which just really sucks
Fabi did really well in Tata Steel. Tied for 3rd, half point back from the leaders, no losses. That's a really strong result. He's not his strongest at rapid events, which is why some of these online events haven't gone well, probably. But, yeah, he's probably disappointed in his performance this week, but I think that's the only one where we'd really be concerned that it's an underperformance. But a lot of people get nuked in this format.
Nothing goes wrong with Fabi or any other player who have lost their games. This happens in every sport / game and in every athlete or team. That's why we have games and we do not decide which is better based on their rating scores.

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