
Who ever makes the puzzles...

Yeah, it seems they are indeed in clusters, now I have been getting removing the defender theme alot and nomore smothered mate.

Under LEARN, Training and openings are the best in Second best is this section, chit chat. It is like the daily morning newspaper. Thank You,
I think the tactic's section would be much better if alternate solutions which are clearly winning would get a "try again" or those puzzles would be thrown out alltogether (that might leave too few puzzles in the trainer though so I guess the former works better).
It's just so annoying to play a clearly winning line and get a "failed" (in some cases when you blitz out a long line you saw and play the mate in 2 instead of mate in 1).
Los mates de ahogado aparecen durante en los primeros 300 (o tal vez menos) ejercicios, no todos. Luego de haber hecho 800 (0 algo así) ejercicios es raro encontrarlos.
A lot of the puzzles also feature discovered check...I like puzzles that are ...White to play and mate in three,four or even five. that would be a nice change as I like to do the puzzle of day . :]
I get a lot of puzzles with very poor user qualitifation, like -6 or -7. Sometimes many on a row.
And also many times, mostly when I'm high but not always, I get the impression that the puzzles are not being presented randomly but covering a certain topic, and also when I correctly solve a few in a row I get a very high ranked and difficult one, like the computer is testing me.
Does this happen to everyone? am I the chosen one?
I have the same feeling but I am not sure. It make the AI more human like and also more fun. bye

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