
Cheating: Trust and Traitors in Chess

Your comment #24 is abusive, it is not allowed to insult concrete people for no reason.
GM Kramnik's accusation of that player is very unconvincing, and I just point at that.
I am not defending cheaters, I send a lot of fair-play reports myself. (At least on with a very high precision rate also in this respect.) That said, I do not accuse people publicly, only sometimes share my concerns with good friends. I usually admit that am not sure and I am also ready to admit that was wrong. (For example when a player whom I suspected turns to be a great OTB blitz player as well.)

When a strong grandmaster (like GM Kramnik) accuses 10 people, there will inevitably be some cheaters and some honest players among them. The proportion might vary a lot, the most difficult thing is to decide on concrete players and bring convincing evidence. When GM Kramnik slaps honest players into face in his fight against cheating, it is very bad. It is even worse given that GM Kramnik violated the terms of use himself, playing from another player's account.
Cheating on line is a real problem for the pro cause the prized tournaments.
I'm a poor player bouncing in the 1500 but i love the game and for me it's fun to play against a machine as against an human. So if you want to cheat i'll lose some games, let's say in an year about 50 points less due to cheating..and so, what's the point ?
@RealDavidNavaraOk, don't do anything, let's all stay quiet...Because it's not with us...That's what a neighbor of mine said when she saw someone else being robbed and days later she was the victim. If you felt offended by my comment, my most sincere apologies, I already said it. Kramnik could be wrong, he will know what he is doing, but he is the only one who has taken the problem seriously, because this issue harms all of us who want to play sports. with our little head; Pray to God that man does not find concrete proof, because then and only then will he begin to see the importance of this.
Note: I don't see why the abuse of my comment, I haven't accused anyone, I don't even know what boy you're talking about...What I'm saying is that what needs to be corrected be investigated, detected and corrected, And Yeah. Obviously it is wrong to accuse someone without evidence or solid foundations and it should not be done, but investigate whether it should because those who do not owe it do not fear it...The one who should fear it is the one who believes that they can laugh at our beloved community and our illustrious sport.
@Sharingam said in #33:
> don't do anything, let's all stay quiet...

An AI could generate this sort of disinformation.
@Toadofsky Yes I am GPT chat, if you can see the irony and sarcasm. Well today's world is copy and paste.
Chess are very much subsidized by authoritarian regimes with use chess events to whitewash themselves after systematic violation of human rights and international law. But lets fight online cheater - they are the real issue of the game.
@Sharingam said in #24:
> why are you so eager to defend the cheater...

@Sharingam said in #33:
> I don't see why the abuse of my comment, I haven't accused anyone
You haven't? When you called a specific person (Frederik Svane) "the cheater" in #24, it wasn't an accusation?
Look how much chaos cheating causes in the community, even when most of it is speculation.

I think paranoia about cheating is a big problem as it stops people playing chess. I've never once thought, or cared, if my opponent was cheating. (Isn't the point of chess to play against the strongest moves, so you learn?)

...jeez you guys spend all day learning the best moves from a computer so don't be surprised if the lines get blurred for some people! ;)
@mkubecek That is the problem with people, that when they identify with something they begin to feel referred to... I was referring to cheaters in general and if you notice in my comment there are no proper names so learn to read and interpret what you read Well, I don't even know who this person is that you're talking to me about... Also, in this you can't put your hands in the fire for seconds or thirds because you're not them and you're not there either when they play, or when they go to the beach, not even when they go to the bathroom etc... and for that reason you cannot be sure of anyone's integrity; only yours, then let's each ask ourselves if we are clean wheat. Accusations can come and go... that doesn't solve anything, you have to look at the problem deeper and investigate, provide evidence and correct. Who wants to play with someone who doesn't play fair...?
In my humble opinion the only thing that would work is exposure and purge.
There is nothing more satisfying than beating a dirty guy with neatness.
Kramnik is obviously right about cheating being underdetected (only blatant ones are caught), but he really should consult an actual statistician or a professional like one working in insurance fraud detection.