
Allow to see the performance rating for all puzzle categories

Being only shown the top and bottom performing categories, with most in-between not being possible to check, is an unnecessary limitation, especially because the categories at the top and bottom are often those with few puzzles played (more susceptible to random variance).

A page of the puzzles overview having a full-list would be helpful to better identify weaknesses and to evaluate progress.
If I'm right in what you're asking go to your profile click on the puzzle icon ( the target) click on puzzle dashboard and you can see a spider graph of your strengths and weaknesses , hope this is what you meant and helps answer your question xxx
@SimonBirch No, I already reference this in the original post ; these pages only show the performance rating for some of the categories. This suggestion is about having a way to show the performance ratings for all categories.
Oh I'm sorry , I don't know then wait for mod xxx sorry I misunderstood xxx

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