
Maybe this can solve the cheating issue?

Cheating is not only motivated by gaining Elo it is motivated by laziness, envy and getting "success" for free. A long time ago I solved the issue of cheating with a fun idea. The idea was that at random points in random games you got interrupted and you be asked to solve a set of puzzle in 10 seconds. If you answered all and your rating was low you would go on a watch list, if you answered none and your rating was high you would go on a watch list. If your progressive cumulative score was 3 standard deviations above or below the average for others at your rating level you were banned from the chess site.
I implemented in my chess server and the cheat test became what you people know as Puzzle Rush.

True story
@michuk said in #14:
> Cheating is not only motivated by gaining Elo it is motivated by laziness, envy and getting "success" for free. A long time ago I solved the issue of cheating with a fun idea. The idea was that at random points in random games you got interrupted and you be asked to solve a set of puzzle in 10 seconds. If you answered all and your rating was low you would go on a watch list, if you answered none and your rating was high you would go on a watch list. If your progressive cumulative score was 3 standard deviations above or below the average for others at your rating level you were banned from the chess site.
> I implemented in my chess server and the cheat test became what you people know as Puzzle Rush.
> True story

If my games were being interrupted by mandatory puzzles, I'd write a piece of code to answer the puzzles for me. And I'd make the source code available on github. Then, I'd find a better site to play on.
@Abigail-III said in #15:
> If my games were being interrupted by mandatory puzzles, I'd write a piece of code to answer the puzzles for me. And I'd make the source code available on github. Then, I'd find a better site to play on.

You can't write any code to answer the puzzles the graphics do not allow scanning and the puzzles are not mating puzzles but quiescence puzzles that have no obvious answer but humans always answer the same way. haha.
Yes cheaters left my site because of my cheat test so I guess it achieved its purpose. lol
I think it is B.S. the way LiChess adds time to a game. I sign on for 15 minutes clock, no more and no less, yet I will look at a the clock during a game and my opponent has more time than when the game started!!! Why does that happen?
<Comment deleted by user>
@gravija said in #4:
> No rating looks make sense, but how about the pairing? I feel pity for weaker players if they always get much stronger opponents.
It's actually the opposite..High rated players hate playing against patzies. Checkmate in 20 moves is boring for them.
I haven't even got the brains to cheat ,I mean how is it possible, you'd have to set up an engine then as white make sure it plays the same first move as your opponent then as black know what responses it's mind boggling even to know how to cheat, it's beyond my understanding of how it's even possible lol xxx why would anyone bother and is it even possible lol xxx you re basically playing your opponents moves, so you're actually losing ,and not even playing, oh well they do say you're only as good as your opponent lol what a waste of time to cheat xxx losers if they really got nothing better to do with their time xxx ha ha so if you're cheating you're just the middle man between your opponent an an engine ,that's hilarious xxxx
@SchizoSi Good questions.
I just played a guy in blitz (3-0). He had about 1990 rating in blitz, but an incredible rating around 2750 in rapid. In rapid he had played 26 games where he won 24, and got draw in 2. 0 lost games. In one game against an FM player he had 9 cp loss.

How is it possible to have 1990 rating in blitz and around 2750 inrapid where he won 24 out of 26 games snd won over several players above 2500 rating? I am not accusing him for anything. I am just amazed and stunned. In my game against him I won easy. I will not brag of that because I very often blunders and play bad games. This game I was a bit proud of tough. He had no chance. If he cheat in rapid in order to Get that 2750 rating, I feel very sad and sorry for all the players that he stole time and rating-points from. Still I will not accuse or report him, because he might be extremely good when he gets good enough time to make his chess moves.

I will also apologize to @h2b2 for beeing rude. Im so sorry. It is me that some times is a stupid child. Sorry for that/apologize.
It is possible that the person played most of their games in rapid and barely played in blitz.

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