
Protest on college campuses

@pinchpinpong said in #40:
> There was violence agitated by pro Israeli and your Hamas pro board could have been for 99% a pro Israeli, is all I wanted to say. If you against both. I congrats you but you wont have that last word.
By the way, I couldn't understand from your previous comments, do you support Hamas?
@a4477 said in #41:
> By the way, I couldn't understand from your previous comments, do you support Hamas?
Not at all, bro. I chased extremism and Daesh for years with proofs. ok? But what Israel does now is a terror comparable to all wars. You don't even know the dorks to look for those so I would silence on that to be real.
What did you did in mean time? watch CBS?
@pinchpinpong said in #42:
> Not at all, bro. I chased extremism and Daesh for years with proofs. ok? But what Israel does now is a terror comparable to all wars. You don't even know the dorks to look for those so I would silence on that to be real.
you dunno what u talk about to be real. It's ok, we all had 2 educate to understand. But don't try the terrorist flag on me as I co op'd with fedz even to get them before.
So, try...
Raising a flag like they conquered Iwo Jima's Mount Shuribashi is for you a victory? then claim with debunked lies there was Hamas or any other terror organisation? On a hospital, and that is not terror? explain me the mass graves and we all know the truth bro you can say what u want. These come from different independant sources non aligned together so , sjjjjt
@pinchpinpong said in #44:
> Raising a flag like they conquered Iwo Jima's Mount Shuribashi is for you a victory? then claim with debunked lies there was Hamas or any other terror organisation? On a hospital, and that is not terror? explain me the mass graves and we all know the truth bro you can say what u want. These come from different independant sources non aligned together so , sjjjjt
I will answer you but it will take some time
yes think carefully before you answer, yet you had NOT the last word lol/./
bro be real, no 1 cares bout your ego or you, get a grasp of reality look further out of the box.
btw, who said I could not be semite?
<Comment deleted by user>
Ok so maybe my answers will seem like excuses to you but I have good reasons why to present my interpretation. But I want us to discuss this in a purely business sense without referring to Adam Oki's body. I didn't understand what you said about the flag, but I'll go straight to the hospital. Let's start with the fact that we both agree that Hamas is a terrorist who does not care about human life and does not have an organized army, so it will fight guerrilla warfare that includes tunnels and human shields. An organized army and a commitment to national law, considering all these facts, the most logical thing for Hamas is to hide in the hospitals until this point from the logical side. Now from the hospital side. "Rentisi" hospital found a room where the abductees were, they used rocket weapons, etc., tunnels, etc. At the beginning of the war, Israel invaded the large hospital "Shipa" because of information. Announces that there is a lot of Hamas there (this scope has been known to the Israelis for years, so it will be difficult for me to give all the sources, so we will only refer to the work we are familiar with) a huge cave and weapons were seized there, but nothing that justifies such a raid. For the hospital, the reason for this was because they knew Israel would invade so they fled and I'll let you wait a few months later Israel invaded again 500 Hamas members were captured and 200 Hamas members died!!! And equipment was seized if there were clues about the abductees, which prove that the informant was right, and even if the informant was wrong, it is still possible to make a mistake that, as I explained, it makes a lot of sense for them. hide there. . Now on the side of the number of civilians killed, it is terrible, you are right, but let's look at the data, the number of civilians killed in relation to Hamas is about 1 to 3 the lowest in the Western countries! The United States in Afghanistan the ratio was 1 to 12 and Gaza is the war in the most built up area ever and much more than Afghanistan and yet the ratio is very low now let's say the videos of Israeli soldiers killing Palestinians on purpose are true (I accept there are bad people everywhere) but obviously it's not Israel's politics, do you know that there is an Israeli soldier sitting in an Israeli prison serving a life sentence for killing a terrorist who carried out an attack after the attack had already been neutralized? You know that the Prime Minister of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, was in Israeli prison for murdering Palestinians!! Not Jews! This is Israel's policy and it also proves it. Look at how low the ratio is between civilians and Hamas operatives. Even if there are soldiers who kill Palestinians on purpose, it shows how careful the policy is towards the Palestinians. Although there are those who kill on purpose, the ratio is very low. Because of these facts, I make an excuse that the IDF does not intend to kill civilians, etc. Even when you see the destruction in Gaza, it is hard to accept it, but first you have to answer the facts I presented
In a few more minutes I have to go and I will be back after Shabbat so not sure I can continue to discuss now I will try after Shabbat

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