
Search "user:awfulplayer"

24 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Taking The Move Back#1

how do you approach the taking move back requests on lichess. i usually accept if only i haven't made my move yet. after i made my move i don't accept the take back requests. This game is my recent ex…

Game analysis - Why would Black resign here?#7

why Qh5 or Qh6 isn't considered here? am i missing sth? Qh6 is not that bad imho. at least saving the knight or taking rook for knight. after Qh6, pawn can't capture knight because he'll lose rook or …

Game analysis - A draw in Middle Game. Any move suggestions?#1

Ok i am kinda new at chess as you can see my nickname :) so i know maybe what i played aren't the best moves, but couldn't find any other way to break this draw situation at middle game. have a look a…

Game analysis - Suggest moves. A game that i am only a watcher#1

i love watching others playing here. this is a game i ve seen recently and i think white (Ady) missed a good move with 26 knight to g5. it makes a few things. first makes an immediate threat of checkm…
