
Search "user:AHundredPuzzlesADay"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Studys where engines wont help#13

OK, this one is amazing since my stockfish couldn't find the winning move and continuation even after 35+ plies!!! It thinks black is better. This is the position, white to move and win: http://en.lic…

General Chess Discussion - Studys where engines wont help#8

@5, @7 Indeed, the engines are still somewhat clueless about that kind of closed or drawn positions. See below how stockfish 8 is so greedy about material and just gives away the game incredibly easil…

Lichess Feedback - Accidental Castling#6

@weirdjump thanks for the earlier thread, I should have searched for the topic apparently. :) @awesomer, agreed if it's feasible it might be the best to be able choose only one input method since almo…

Lichess Feedback - Accidental Castling#5

Thanks for your input. To be honest I don't have the faintest idea about the details you are referring to so I can't say much onto your answer. But it just seemed to me that castling that way was just…

Lichess Feedback - Accidental Castling#1

Hi, I wanted to share just a small issue I had today. Apparently there are more than one castling ways on the board which one of them made me accidentally to castle. This is the game that happened: ht…
