
Search "user:KotChessarik"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Puzzle Racer Glitch, Unable to play any moves#2

I confirm, same happens to me also. just now repeated

Game analysis - created study from funcy test game#1

funny matting cage occur in engines game, so decided to share it as study. tell me what also should be done in study, as it s my first study. it also ca…

Lichess Feedback - lichess_db_puzzle.csv has similar positions#4

But after 1st taken 'weak' move, there will be 6112 duplicate pos here 5 same pos (& move taken) 1WTb9, 3K4/1P6/4k3/2q5/8/8/8/8 w - - 9 72,b7b8q c5e7 d8c8 e7d7,1646 3Sad4, 3K4/1P6/4k3/2q5/8/8/8/8 w - …

Lichess Feedback - lichess_db_puzzle.csv has similar positions#3

same () do you meed assistance? example 3 same pos NtjrD,2kr1b1r/ppp2ppp/2n5/4p2q/3P2n1/2N2N2/PPP1BPP1/R1BQ1RK1 w - - 0 10,c1g5 c6d4 f3h4 d4e2,2490,78,92,910,advantage kingsideAttack opening short,htt…

Lichess Feedback - lichess_db_puzzle.csv has similar positions#1

hi, after some play with puzzle-DB discovered: lichess_puzzle_db with 2132989positions has 5607similar positions start +505 after 1st poor move (is it proper place to post?)

General Chess Discussion - received 'Sandbagging' notification, what should I do?#5

So my point is : 'Sandbagging' has its real purpose - repeatedly winning prizes in tournaments. Thus, if purpose is not reached, it should not be considered as such.

General Chess Discussion - received 'Sandbagging' notification, what should I do?#1

received 'Sandbagging' notification, what should I do? I am playing from mobile, disconnection happens.. Also, yesterday in App accidentally pressed back and without any confirmation got out of game, …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess App on android often won't exit on backpress#1

As title: Lichess App on android often won't exit on backpress

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 85921 has many Draw solutions#3

please, can (-25) points be canceled? :)

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle 85921 has many Draw solutions#1

hello! I posted it in General forum probably incorrectly. here reposting for Moderators attention. ; ;I tried pu…
