
Search "user:LeopardCheetah"

60 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug: Crosstable Games Not Loading#1

When hovering over the crosstable of a previous match, nothing really shows up :( Description: Previously, when you hovered over the crosstable (the thing at the bottom that shows the overall match sc…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles#41

@tiamat6192 for puzzle #8Cifm, after Bxf6 by black, Stockfish at depth = 23 says Qxf6 is best, giving it a -4.9 evaluation. The 2 next best moves (Qf4 and Qb4), are evaluated at -7.3 and -7.4 respecti…

Off-Topic Discussion - Most important Vegetable#17

since cucumbers have seeds, they are botanically a fruit -____- in my opinion the most important vegetables are potatoes because potatoes are nutritious, can be stored for like forever, and they make …

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Off-Topic Discussion - How do you play Minesweeper?#12

just like lapin said, process of elimination and logic are a big part of it. Sometimes, you are just stuck and have to guess, but in most cases logic and elimination work. take a 1 2 2 1 for example, …

General Chess Discussion - zh bots#5

I would assume ch would mean chess or something, and zh can only mean crazyhouse as I havent heard of anything in chess starting with a z

General Chess Discussion - zh bots#3

thank you for explaining, and thank you for your suggestions. I'll stick to pineapple for now (and ofc real people).

General Chess Discussion - What point value would you assign to the Amazon?#7

since this piece can do many more things bc its a knight and a queen, i think its piece value should be 15+ because it can move to any square within a 5 by 5 radius. The knight can jump around and the…

General Chess Discussion - zh bots#1

Does anyone know of any good zh (crazyhouse) bots that I can train against? i'm trying to improve on it. thanks in advance

General Chess Discussion - Favorite openings?#11

anything that makes my pieces active
