
Search "user:TalesAmaral"

8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Most dumb proof opening?#1

Often I find myself lost in 10 moves because I don't know any opening theory. Is there a opening/move combination that always works? Like, you always get a position that is at most -1/+1? Example: htt…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzles where you have to find a draw?#1

I noticed there aren't puzzles here on lichess where you have to find a draw or equalize the position. Is there a way to find puzzles where there is only a slight advantage or you find the only move t…

Lichess Feedback - Make buttons on home page actually buttons#1

The buttons on the home page to search for a match aren't actually buttons, they are divs on a flex container. It would be more acessible if they were buttons.…

General Chess Discussion - What are the hardest chess puzzles you know?#21

Mate in 63 on Caruana vs Magnus world championship

General Chess Discussion - I'm a 90% percentile player now!#11

Congrats. From the 50% percentile club (in blitz)

General Chess Discussion - why is there an question mark beside my rating (1039?)?#2

Read the FAQ? The question mark means the rating is provisional. Reasons include: The player has not yet finished enough rated games against opponents of similar strength in the rating category. The p…

Game analysis - Why stockfish don't see the mate#2

At depth 14 stockfish sees the mate. Funny

General Chess Discussion - Ranks Do Not Need To Be Reset Once A Year#2

There is a rank reset?
