
Search "user:Xaver"

14 forum posts
Game analysis - Endgame with a lot of pawns and some small figures#4

I forgot the link, ups thank you very much, I'll read it carefully and try to understand. :¬)

Game analysis - Endgame with a lot of pawns and some small figures#1

Can someone explain with words what Stockfish thinks that black should have done at the 48th move? My thoughts were: I have no idea how to continue, let's trade the figure plus I have for a pawn, mayb…

Lichess Feedback - New puzzle format#10

When playing on a board, one must know the rules, including which legal moves one has. I'm not sure if it is a good idea to give this information on such a visual clear way while playing. And I don't …

Lichess Feedback - Forgotten password#1

I forgot my password and don't know how to recover it. I can still use my account from this computer because it has it memorized.
