
Search "user:acetaminophen"

33 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is the exchange French so bad?#17 A very fine game I just played against the Caro. It illustrates the point of how this openings don't mean a boring or strictly positional game at all and contain prett…

General Chess Discussion - Is the exchange French so bad?#10

Against the french and the Caro, I like to play 2.b3 and after 2.(...) d5, simply 3.Bb2, in an aim for castling on the queen side and opening the d file soon as possible. The idea of playing a minor o…

General Chess Discussion - Chess players#14

Petrosian must be my favorite of all times. His positional sacrifices are something I don't think any other player, not even Tal, could ever match. And some dare to call him boring, for Christ sake...…

General Chess Discussion - Amazing how few players say...#8

Some time ago I started playing go online in OGS, and in there it was a very regular thing for players to politely chat during the game, and to discuss the game after it was over, in order to teach/le…

Lichess Feedback - Force resigning #12

Your english is fine, podemos hablar en español igual, yo también soy argentino. Los rebusques son distintos para cada modalidad, claro. Yo no juego bullet así que no veo cómo el hecho de que el reloj…

Lichess Feedback - Force resigning #10

A computer can't know the reason why you disconnected, but it can tell if you have a winning position or not. Programming and magic are essentially the same to me, but I imagine that we could have a s…

Lichess Feedback - Force resigning #5

We should extend that. 3 minutes with the technology we have here in South America aren't enough many times. 5 could make it.

Lichess Feedback - Force resigning #3

But what kind of rules are those? I mean, how much time do I have for coming back from resetting my modem before some patzer takes my points away? can't we at least let the computer look if I have som…

Lichess Feedback - Force resigning #1

Fuck man, I was just playing against this guy, a nice game n' shit, and my connection got lost, and when I came back the fucking sissy force resigned me, when I was in a winning position, and it wasn'…

Lichess Feedback - Open chat room#21

It was nice back in the day, I really miss it. We can still report the spamers and idiots and contribute with the mods that way, ain't it a possibility?
