
Search "user:j88q"

34 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Ding Liren defeats Kosteniuk with the English#2

Let's see: Question 1: I don't know Question 2: I don't know Question 3: I still don't know Question 4: What just happened to me Question 5: I'm losing a few brain cells... Sigh. The last move of Ding…

Off-Topic Discussion - During chess for my health,#2

Can I just ask you a teeny question? HOW IS CHESS EVEN HARMFUL FOR YOUR HEALTH M8

Off-Topic Discussion - Math paradox? (again)#5

Here's a solution: In image (1), x cannot be -3. Why? That's because if it were -3, the other side of the equation would also be undefined. But it's not. In image (2), you multiply both sides by (x + …

General Chess Discussion - Why does white move first?#15

@Mirayaanuds said in #1: > Why does white actually move first?? Here's a plausible explanation I found on the internet that I summarized: In the olden days, black was thought to be a lucky color (raci…

Off-Topic Discussion - Continue the story 2!#41

But the assassin was a big fan of Capablanca

General Chess Discussion - Is forcing the enemy to get doubled pawns good if it opens up their file?#3

Before that, why would you play a move like 5. d3? It closes up the position and your rooks are dead while the opponent has the newly-opened b-file. Instead, play 5. d4, where you are opening up the d…

General Chess Discussion - Why are real players all of a sudden watching me play stockfish AI?#8

@BIGGEST_EGG_LORD said in #1: > Like 1-2 players watch me play a bot i mean when was this a thing?? That's probably because since you were the highest rated player playing Stockfish at that time, your…

General Chess Discussion - getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually#58

That's the spirit!

General Chess Discussion - getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually#36

@filthiesteote, as I'm writing this, you have a total of 86 dislikes in this topic. I'd advise you to start a subreddit.

Off-Topic Discussion - The most active forum poster#25

In my opinion, NM @MrPushwood is pretty active.
