
Search "user:mayday_bbb"

12 forum posts
Game analysis - 3-moves repetition?#3

But, theoretically, a position (not 3 moves!) can be repeated in first 5-6 moves, will it then be a draw?? For example if queen checks me and I put a bishop in between and queen moves back to where sh…

Game analysis - 3-moves repetition?#1

Where do you see here 3-moves repetition?

Game analysis - Points awarded for the win#1

Why did my opponent get 20 points for a win in this game , and I never got more than 8 points for the win (even when I was playing against better rated opponents)?

Lichess Feedback - Time stands still#3

But how is it possible that lag affects only my time (so it passes during those fast moves in the end of the match) and not my opponent's time (so it basically stands still)?? What am I doing wrong or…

Lichess Feedback - Time stands still#1

Check this game For the last 10 moves of my opponent his time stood till on 1.0 sec - why is that??

Lichess Feedback - Time stands still for the opponent#8

Again, check this We both play fast moves in the last few seconds but only opponent's time is standing still and I lose. What am I doing wrong???

Lichess Feedback - Time stands still for the opponent#7

It happened to me again - check here: How is it possible that opponent made like 10 moves in 1 second or so, and in the same period I went down from like 15 seconds to…

Lichess Feedback - Time stands still for the opponent#5

Thanx. So basically you are saying that IF I stop premoving THEN it wont seem like opponent's time is standing still? And I should wait for him to make a move and only then move my piece?

Lichess Feedback - Time stands still for the opponent#1

It happened to me more than once here that, when me and opponent have only few secs on the clock and play very fast moves, his time like stands still, i.e. when I play move time passes (few tenths of …

Game analysis - Time stands still - getting increment#2

