
Search "user:snipermode"

194 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Castling is over-rated; occasionally useful#18

Here is a specific example. Also anciliary to this topic is the factor of "luck". Albeit, chess is a rational and logical game with no room for luck, but in this example, I think I got lucky in the se…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess by definition a loaded sport?#10

In this dumpster fire of a forum the moment someone posts something it gets immediately downvoted by beta male incels. This is why I stopped posting in this trash forum. No room for open discussion. B…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess by definition a loaded sport?#1

Chess - and albeit many sports like ping pong or sprint or NBA - is dominated by folks who are born prodigies and talented. This is obviously not an excuse not to pour sweat and tears to grind and imp…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent started to run time out...Lichess penalizes me for leaving#3

@oldgreycollie said in #2: > you so "woke driven", ( "s/he" ). > > really ? > > i would offer you a fried egg as a trophy for your post except you would probably deeply inspect it for it's gender befo…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent started to run time out...Lichess penalizes me for leaving#1

I have solid internet connection. Opponent was at 3 minute 24 seconds mark in a 10 minute game. I thought S/HE is running time out. S/he makes a move. I move immediately. Lichess goes: Warning, sniper…

Community Blog Discussions - The LOCKED Principle - Rules of Thumb for Every Move#1

Comments on

Lichess Feedback - Why can't I change my flag to American flag?#1

I have tried to update it several times, but it wouldn't let me.

General Chess Discussion - Did I stumble upon The Secret (!) to increasing one's chess rating?#4

The Secret to winning the chess is to think and grow rich in rating. Also visualize, affirm, intent, ask and receive.

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#155

Thought it was about some reclusive GM finally coming out of his hermitage from Serbia at first...

General Chess Discussion - There should be a metric for accuracy in chess#9

@snipermode said in #1: > Let's be honest, a 1428 KNOWS how to play chess as well as a 2200. The difference is consistency. Given enough time many people can find the right moves (except for higher ra…
