
Nori international open chess

Full story of our tournament

Nauru's hosted it's first ever international open chess tournament, our invitations sent out to all our Oceania 3.6 member federations for this special event just a month prior to the start date which is on Monday 4th September till Wednesday 14th and we've received many acceptance from Fiji, Solomon islands, two unregistered fide member Vanuatu and Kiribati also extended their interest.
For this event we have the privilege to give our member federations appointed players each a free accomodations for the whole duration and meal allowances provided and travel subsidy provided as well which makes this event very unique, also very enticing to refuse, sadly most Federations didn't respond and few extended their sad response and hopeful to participate in the next one. We appreciate the OCC for assisting most of the federations who accepted to cover another travel subsidy which clearly makes their participation more visible and possible. Solomon islands representative was last minute withdrawal due to unforseen expenses and budget allocations so was not able to attend but Fiji, Vanuatu and Kiribati came through with our special guest GM Johan Sebastian Christiansen who came from Norway to take part in this event.
Monday on the first round which came as a surprise the island has a power outage for 15min and then again further for 30mim which we played through with some lights from our mobile phones and some lamps.
Not to mention as this is our first ever hosted international tournament we arrange as well four live DGT boards live broadcast with lichess platform so thankful for the recognition to be featured here.
Now have concluded our event with a closing ceremony on Wednesday 14th September with a feast and prize giving it was a true success as we not only made this challenging event but a fruitful one as we made friendships with our international players. Our tournament link below

Acknowledgement goes to our sponsors- Nori, Nauru Sports Department, Nauru Digicel, Oceania Chess Confederation and FIDE development commission support and our Nauru chess federation executives for their strong effort to make it eventuate.