FM IwkooO Lichess coach picture

FM Iwo Godzwon

“I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.” – Bobby Fischer

Location Poland
LanguagesPolski, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 241128092540
Hourly rate20 euro
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hi, my name is Iwo Godzwon and I am a 22-year-old FM from Poland. Currently studying Data Science abroad in the Netherlands.
As a player, I trained under the wings of the best Polish coaches, getting to know numerous techniques and openings. Now, after 10+ years of playing and achieving many successes both in the national and international arena, I am ready to pass the acquired knowledge on. In my career, I have repeatedly stood on the podium of the Polish Championships and achieved the Fide Master title (FM) with a raiting of 2411. As a coach, I will deepen your knowledge, help you achieve your goals and hopefully instill in you the passion for the royal game

Playing experience

Team Polish Junior Championship - 1st place
Individual Polish Junior Championships - 2nd * 2 and 3rd
Polish Team Championship - LEAGUE I -2nd place as a team, 1st on the board
A frequent participant at European Youth Championships and many other international tournaments

Teaching experience

3 years of teaching experience, working with people of all ages and helping them reach their goals.

Teaching methodology

Every student is different. Based on our first lesson I will adapt the training program to your needs and try to help you overcome your weaknesses.