IM Mginsburg Lichess coach picture

IM Mark Ginsburg

Improve the openings, improve the middlegames, improve the endgames.

LocationTucson, Arizona United States
RatingFIDE: 23262593
Hourly rate$60
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

IM Mark Ginsburg, currently in Tucson AZ. I won the Manhattan CC Championship twice in 1988 and 1990 before its nice Carnegie Hall location ceased to be. I work in business computing.

Playing experience

Maryland State Champion - battling L Kaufman, Eberlein, Savage, Gilden, etc
AZ State Champion
Manhattan CC Champion twice 1988 and 1990
Won in Brugges Belgium 1985 (B Finegold 2nd)
US Championship 2006 San Diego +1 -2
Nowadays mostly online blitz and rapid, play for AZ in the States Cup

Teaching experience

I have taught juniors in NY in person, but nowadays conduct online lessons

Best skills

Planning, strategy, tactics.

Teaching methodology

Socratic Q&A, I have a lot of instructional puzzles stored up from actual games.