

Has Lichess been laggy lately or is it just me. It happens on my phone and also on my desktop.

I have had some games that could not start because of it.
Moves not register.

Opening the app takes way longer then prior.

Very frustrating. It use to be so fast.
I got similar problem in my Pc
During the game an alert of Reconnecting frequently shows up and I can ́t continue playing. Many games lost that way
@Piegrande said in #3:
> I got similar problem in my Pc
> During the game an alert of Reconnecting frequently chows up and I can ́t continue playing. Many games lost that way

Yes I get a red bar on the bottom left of the screen that says reconnecting. My computer is connected just fine leading me to believe it is a Lichess issue. But the few other people I know using Lichess do not notice it.

For the lagginess part, which broswer do you use (and version)? Does it work better with all extensions disalbled?
For the reconnecting issue, do you use a firewall software or similar, such as Kaspersky? In that case you should whitelist Lichess.

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