
Off Topic threads are getting boring

Don't you guys think so? Interesting threads aren't getting made anymore
I don't think they're boring. Off-Topic has more diverse topics that melt my brain by even posting on them.

Usually, when I post for the first time on a topic, I make the person reading the post think. That's how I get attention :P

But now, with more direct questions like "How do you get a girlfriend?", I need to bring an objective answer.
Imagine if I answer with a funny joke (something like "Get a girl fried, delete space and add the first letter of the 'n' word. Thank me later.") and people take it literally, it would turn chaos.
Off-topics' golden age was 2020-2022. It's been boring and repetitive ever since.
God, I even remember SavageAntarctican's "Let's make this post reach 10 million replies"! (Or something like that)
how you make them interesting....

idk, ask our ai overlords.
I love this forum!
Talking about boredom is such fun!
vor 3 Jahren
Got my board all set up. What now? ;)
Yes, we had a lot of fun...
Yeah, in the old days we didn't have it boring and easy like you kids.

When we typed in the forum it was all uphill in both directions, and it was always snowing.

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