
can I play bullets of the position of a correspondence game? What is the fair play rules?

I am not enjoying chess anymore, it feels like a job to finish those games. And maybe all this for nothing, the server punish me either because of the bullets games initially played of the positions (which I am not doing anymore) or due to a low centi pawn lost.

Can anyone link the true rules for correspondence games?
Thanks for the link @Cedur216, I don't know what might have happened in that situation where I lost for cheating. Maybe when I played those games of bullet I timed out and went to the analysis board to finish with the "pratice with computer" buttom, and the "toggle evaluation" was already in the on mode.

It would be a good implementation a warning that using engine in that position will result in losing by cheating. Also, it would be good if "toggle evaluation" was always turned off, and the player would always need to toggle it on to use it.
A better solution would be to put it into the FAQ.

Lichess staff says that they do benefit from it to catch the silliest of cheaters, more often than you may think ...
I feel that people who cheat will find a way of cheating, maybe there is no way to avoid it.

People who play for ego will keep playing for ego, is something they will keep doing, it is like a self affirmation of "I am smart, look at my rating", some of those people are not smart and will never make progress, they will feel frustrated and will find ways to compensate it, cheating is one of those. I feel it is part of the human nature, those people are trapped in their own condition, it is just sad. We were made to survive, and having an ego and seeking social status is one way of getting a higher survival rate in human groups. Maybe creating a psychologist bot could solve that, but it will take years to IA get to that point, and people would need to be willing to accept the sessions.

My own philosophy is to play to learn, I don't care if I lose as long I leaned something, the same goes to winning, some times it is better to lose and learn something. I also feel I learn many things about life by playing chess, like planning, focusing, doing your best and not caring about the out comes. It is also a game that has taught me to be humble, there will always be better players than me, I am only human, and I started to play chess at high-school, now I am a PhD candidate, and I am mostly a mediocre player and I don't think I will get to GM in this life time, but lets see. Some people started at early age, and become GMs at early age, it is like a race and some people started earlier and had more help to run. Anyway, I try to fallow the principles of Taoist and Ubuntu philosophies, I feel those will make my life more fulfilling.

I also made a lot of friends on the street by casually asking random people if they want to play a chess game, or sitting at chess playing points at my city. I know there is the option to call your opponent in lichess, but it would be cool if you could also see video (but I never really tried calling my opponent). Or if people would casually chat about things in there, I am probably not the only person felling lonely in this covid situation.
>This is really strange, I just finished a game, I haven't used any analysis option or anything, and I haven't got any points from winning. My ratting is 1500? and the other guy ratting was about 1400~1300. I got a 9 of average centi pawn lost, I never got such a low centi pawn lost in bullet. Does the server thinks I cheated and for such reason I haven't got the ratings?

Looking at the game, it looks like you had it set to "Casual" instead of "Rated".
Oh man, you are right, it is set to casual... I guess I just clicked at the proposed challenges without much attention. Maybe I should just shill, I am too stressed out on other things.

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