
As white, how do you beat this?

You play 1.e4 and next 2.e5; Is that theory? It seems white wastes a tempo with that move. It's probably the reason why you get in trouble. I'm not an e4 player but I think you're supposed to play 2.d4 or any other side line as white.
@Sarg0n @todo_pro so my mistake was right at move 2. fuck. i always thought it was cool to do that for french defense
okay thanks fam
yo @harp
2.e5 is an inaccuracy but so is his 2...d5
so later at move 5 the position you have is actually theory
The bad news: Its harder to play with more space as you have to protect more squares than your opponent
French is considered easier to play for the black side till quite a high level
The good news: as you become stronger you will come to appreciate space and play better with it
If you get the same position again I will mention two manoeuvres to you to protect the d4 pawn the base of your pawn chain , as they say.

and yeah f*** french It's a so damn difficult opening to play against. Best of luck!
b3 was a bit umm how do you say it suspicious. I don't know much about the french advanced variation but I know b3 is ether not critical or not a move at all. Also 2. e5 is an error and can be punished though the game transposed back to normal territory. I only zoomed through the game and after b3 it looked a bit difficult for you already. I would start by consulting the opening books and see where you and your opponent left book and maybe an alternative to b3. 2. d4 should be your reply to e6. then after d5 you have a couple choices. Nd2 is my favorite move the tarrasch variation. But then I know Nc3 and e5 are also moves. If you just want a game you can also play exd5 though its quite dry. And I for a while did that followed by ether the quick c4 or Nf3 then c4. Almost anything is playable there and you don't have to learn a bunch of theory. I find the advanced french myself as too good for black to have so I don't play it but that is my opinion and lots of top GM's play it with white or have played it in the past and it is totally playable even at their level. So at a <2000 level it is for sure playable though I did not enjoy pressure black can get. In the variation I was talking about...

I am doing this blind so give me a break if i miss something.
after e4 e6 d4 d5 Nd2 black plays ether nf6 or c5 (Be7 was also a move I think). after Nf6 I played e5 and after c5 I always played Ngf3 keeping my options open.
Oh and another trick I was going to mention was play Bd3 and NOT Be2 if cxd4 cxd4 Nxd4?? Nxd4 and Qxd4??? Bb5+ winning queen. So your opponent must play Bd7 before going for this adventure. Be2 is sort of stopping your opponent from blundering instead of encouraging blunders.
2 e5 is bad because it exposes the pawn prematurely.
compare it to the alekhine defense - 1 e4 Nf6 e5 Nd5. to provoke the white pawns into overextending, black is willing to spend a few tempi with his knight. in your line, you just pushed the pawn to e5 for nothing, and you don't have enough support on that square to keep the pawn there.

after 2..d6 there's already no good way to keep the pawn on e5 - 3 f4? dxe5! 4 fxe5?? Qh4 -+, or 3 d4 dxe5 4 dxe5 Qxd1, or 3 Nf3 Nc6 4 Bb5 Bd7 and white's forced to play exd6 (giving black a central majority), since 5 d4 runs into Nxe5! which ends up in a slight edge for black.
sarg0n's 2..c5 has the idea of trying to get an improved version of these lines by preventing d4 before undermining the pawn with d6.

on 2..d5(?!), which most u2000s play, the game just transposes back to normal french advance lines. but it's good to know that 2 e5 can be punished.

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