
Is that a blunder?

I have been playing correspondence chess with an opponent apparently skilled (the game is below). yet it has just sent a bishop on an unprotected square where i can capture it with TWO pieces. i have analyzed every possible continuation. there is no way it can mate, or gain any advantage except the h2 pawn. i have already moved BxH4 meaning any comment is useless in terms of avoiding a ultra-well hidden trap, so, anyone, there is any reason to have done that?
Yes, i think he do a blunder, but he always can do check, and force the draw so it's not very important.
Not to worry anymore, if that was NOT a blunder, definitely the two following moves are. It captured the bishop with my knight, when my rook was targeting his queen. Poor boy....
Yup. I blundered, resulted in a losing position and resigned two turns later. I've only been playing for a couple months and I screwed up. Even GMs blunder (though probably not as bad as this)

My question though is why you felt the need to not only point out in in-game chat that I was in a losing position, but than start a forum thread to point out that I made a blunder? It's incredibly unsportsmanlike and really just a jerk move.
@SJMistery #1
"an opponent apparently skilled"
1500 is the starting rating on Lichess.
1800 can be reasonably expected to be skilled.

Your question seemed to be asked during the game, which is "not done".

If it would be casual and not rated and if you opponent would agree that you started a forum thread about it, then it would be an option.

Since that was not the case, at least an apology to your opponent would be fair imho.

i made the thread after moving, because i couldn't consider that after having dominated me completely. in any case, sorry for that.

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