
Search "user:mikeshepherd98762"

53 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Need to find Bruno#4

Are these DOTA2 references? EE and Bruno?

Off-Topic Discussion - BREXIT - What´s your opinion?#17

Let people be free. There's no legitimate reason the UK needs to be under control of a foreign government.

Off-Topic Discussion - Capturing the king#3

Is it illegal in every country? I guess that's why Bobby Fischer was locked up and he had to run away to Iceland?

Off-Topic Discussion - Personality Types.#12

mine told me personality #17 - retard shit

Off-Topic Discussion - Capturing the king#1

Any players ever good enough to pull this off? Maybe Bobby Fischer?

Off-Topic Discussion - Why are people cruel to others?#7

honestly, how much do you think they* feel: 1, or 2

Off-Topic Discussion - Why are people cruel to others?#5

When people see someone with severe handicap, honestly how much do you think feel: 1.Empathy, sympathy, a desire to help, or general malaise 2. Superiority, comfort, satisfaction

Off-Topic Discussion - Why are people cruel to others?#1

What motivations and incentives create this behavior? What proportion of people is this true for? What proportion of people get more satisfaction from being cruel than nice?

Off-Topic Discussion - There are no Muslims, no whites, no blacks or Indians or Christians, There are humans #8

#6 the human race is not collectively kind to animals. we treat them quite horrifically. it's sad but true. that's why I try no to eat meat. I actually love eating meat and going hunting, and I don't …

Off-Topic Discussion - How to make the world a better place?#1

If you could implement one policy to make the world a more just and peaceful world, to limit human and animal suffering and at the same time, increase opportunity, happiness and freedoms, what would i…
