
Search "user:HDGhog"

128 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Should I learn the Sicilian?#2

Hum. That is a great question. I play like you e5 for years. I like it but with Italian games etc I face the same problem. I play sicilian for fun online But OTB i always play e5. Sicilian is very str…

General Chess Discussion - I hate blitzs, I just can't really think like a blitzs player#3

It depends you have blitz without increment or blitz with increment. This is 2 complete games. 3+0 or 5+3 are in lichess blitz range. I always mlay with increment which helps in OTB time sceamble. 5+3…

General Chess Discussion - Searching for a simple Queens Gambit Declined line for black#3

Tartakover Variation. Easy and sound position then the middle game is rich. Really interesting with hanging pawns. Watch Kasparov karpov world championship.

General Chess Discussion - Ideal strategy for puzzles to get better at chess#4

I would suggest to play normal mode and calculate all variations until the end. Then when you have done a great numbers of puzzles. Let's say 60 or 100. It can takes weaks. Go on your dashboard on lic…

General Chess Discussion - Who likes playing the London system?#6

I think there is a misunderstanding of the opening. First it is a system. People think the player is just a zombie playing the same moves. It is really effective. It is a great opening. So people thin…

Lichess Feedback - I dont sese elo rankings anymore#1

Is there a problem or a bug or an option I changed ? I don't see my elo rankings + my opponents rankings in games and on there/ my profil pages.

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle racer cheat bot ?#1

I am just wondering if there are some cheat bot and some control on this feature ? I have just played one session with lots of 2000 elo + Everybody is around 24 - 29 points. And you have one guy with …

General Chess Discussion - Thoughts on Alekhine’s Defence and other offbeat tries#7

I mean from an improving perspective I feel it is better to play different positions and structures. It helps you understand as well the limit of this offbeat opening. And when you play as white again…

General Chess Discussion - Nimzo indian for beginner/intermediate#9

@fluffiergorgon said in #4: > #3 Yea, I have seen at higher level people avoid nimzo with stuff like 2. Nf3, but at like 1800 people mostly play into a nimzo or a london, but for the rare situation I …

General Chess Discussion - as a beginner, is it benefitial for me to me to play against players MUCH better than me?#5

The best thing is to play a stronger player IRL at your local club. He will crush you and explain to you why if you ask for his opinion or analysis. Online the best practice is to analyze your games. …
