
Search "user:Magnocarlo"

18 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Daily Classical Arena#1

Now that you guys introduced that lovely long time controls quick searches, it is the opportunity to insist on the rights of classical to be on the every day's aggenda!

General Chess Discussion - Petition to bring back 15 +15#50

For those saying that noone is likely to take out an hour to play a classical game: How long do they spend playing in arena tournaments, huh? 🤨

General Chess Discussion - New Time Controls Nerf History#4

I'm very happy with the new long time controls in the quick game search. Thank you, lichess team! We really needed something like 30+20 for serious play online. And a classical option finish, without …

General Chess Discussion - Left handed Chess player vs Right handed Chess player, is our thinking different ?#55

We should ask Levon Aronian.

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General Chess Discussion - necesito hablar con un administrador o alguien que me ayude con mi cuenta #2

Hola. Ese es un recurso del sistema para penalizar a aquellos que abandonan partidas en posición perdida, sin rendirse, dejando a la otra persona esperando; o también para los tramposos que consultan …

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen vs Ding. Unbeaten streaks!#5

#3 When you are a high rated player, you can draw games and however lose ELO rating points.

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen vs Ding. Unbeaten streaks!#2

Who has (or had) the higher ELO rating during the streak? The one who won more games, obviously.
