
Search "user:Peter-developer01"

46 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Anyone know good rk bots?#5

@Variant-bot is mine, and it's a bit weaker than @VariantsBot, but stronger than @pawnrobot and has the same strength as @RaspFish. So, the weakest variant bot I could find so far is @pawnrobot.

Lichess Feedback - Automatic cheating detection#9

@AsDaGo said in #8: > I guess I didn't look back far enough. > > Hopefully you've learned your lesson and won't cheat again. I guess it does make a little more sense that it was a correspondence game,…

Lichess Feedback - Automatic cheating detection#7

@AsDaGo said in #6: > There is no such game as he describes in his recent history, so you are surely right.

Lichess Feedback - Automatic cheating detection#1

Hi. So yes, I used engine analysis in one game and Lichess made me automatically "resign". Sorry. But I had a big material advantage here, and was going to win. Maybe disable auto-cheating detection f…

Off-Topic Discussion - Seeking for users who want to practice English#68

@salmon_rushdie said in #67: > но мой русский плохой((( ah, you meant learn Russian from me? Then go ahead. ;)

Off-Topic Discussion - Seeking for users who want to practice English#66

@salmon_rushdie said in #65: > The verbatim don't lie! Hallelujah! > > @Peter-developer01 > > I would love to learn alongside you, we could be like little pot pies together, baking until we reach our …

Off-Topic Discussion - Seeking for users who want to practice English#64

@salmon_rushdie @nomadic_farmer Guys I'm not searching for teachers, I am searching for learners. ;)

Off-Topic Discussion - RANT#14

When you spent like an hour to do something and then you discover that it doesn't work. Ha! It happened to me quite a few times.

Lichess Feedback - White bishops#2

That's a pretty vague description. Can you show us a screenshot of the bug?

Lichess Feedback - Hello, friends?#3

Sure, DM me if you want as well.
