
Entrenadors de Lichess

IM Ucitel Lichess coach picture

IM Dejan Stojanovski

15 years of experience working as a professional chess coach!

UbicaciónSkopje North Macedonia
IdiomasHrvatski, Српски језик, English (US)
PuntuaciónFIDE: 254329022762
Tarifa per hora200€=10lessons,or 300 for 20 lessons(place for only 2 students).Bonus materials for self study(pgn)
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FM kochichess Lichess coach picture

FM Murali Mbm

International Player. Best Fide Rating 2420. National-B Runner Up. 45 Years Experience in National Chess. Participated Abudhabhi International .s 2005 & Tehran 2007.

UbicaciónKerala India
Idiomasമലയാളം, हिन्दी, हिंदी, தமிழ்
PuntuaciónFIDE: 2110235423102429
Tarifa per hora20 USD per hour
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GM Lugovskoy_Maxim Lichess coach picture

GM Максим Луговской

Международный Гроссмейстер по шахматам. Основатель Гроссмейстерской онлайн-школы шахмат

UbicaciónSochi Earth
Idiomasрусский язык, English (US)
PuntuaciónFIDE: 2515280025802175
Tarifa per hora3000р.
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IM JonasPradoLobo Lichess coach picture

IM Jonas Prado Lobo

If others can achieve success, why not you as well? As your chess coach, I'm here to ensure that you reach your full potential and beyond.

UbicaciónOviedo Spain
IdiomasEspañol, English (US), Català, valencià
PuntuaciónFIDE: 2383292126662616
Tarifa per horaSessions are competitively priced to ensure accessibility for all levels of players. Feel free to reach out to discuss pricing options
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GM gmmoranda Lichess coach picture

GM Wojciech Moranda

Grandmaster, Coach and Book Writer with 30 Years of Playing Experience

UbicaciónWroclaw Poland
IdiomasEnglish (US), Polski
PuntuaciónFIDE: 25552818
Tarifa per hora100 USD/h
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IM Rookie Lichess coach picture

IM Rakesh Kumar Jena

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm

UbicaciónCuttack India
IdiomasEnglish (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी
PuntuaciónFIDE: 2335
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GM PArnaudov Lichess coach picture

GM Petar Arnaudov

"Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it."

UbicaciónLuxembourg Bulgaria
IdiomasEnglish (US), български език, русский язык, Français
PuntuaciónFIDE: 24782506
Tarifa per hora1h - 90$, 1.30h - 120$
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WIM Kub_chess Lichess coach picture

WIM Виктория Кубата

Уроки шахмат для детей и взрослых

UbicaciónKharkiv Ukraine
Idiomasрусский язык, українська
PuntuaciónFIDE: 22222231
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WFM Anrelo Lichess coach picture

WFM Самигуллина Диана Ильдаровна

Онлайн занятия для детей и взрослых

Idiomasрусский язык
Tarifa per hora2000 руб/40-45 мин
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CM blitzchessclub Lichess coach picture

CM Vinod Kumar Sharma

Candidate Master with experience of 21 year in teaching & 28 year experience of playing many National and International (Learn the path towards SUCCESS)

UbicaciónOnline India
Idiomasहिन्दी, हिंदी, English (US)
PuntuaciónFIDE: 222621832347
Tarifa per hora $30-50 per session & for training game with analysis $8 for (10 min+10sec each) or $10 (15+10) or $15 (25+10)
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