
Lichess v2 is here

Some feedback:
1. I see the reasons about the responsiveness, but what for all the colors were changed? How can I get back gray palette instead of this brown colors for highlights and reddish in Lobby? I like grey style, can I get it back?
2. The fonts for the titles "Quick pairing", "Lobby" became smaller. Why? (FireFox, the latest)
3. The board now is quite big (FireFox, the latest version)
4. Background colors for the chat and list of movies is white, which is terrible, it distracts from the board.
5. I used to play in 140% zoom, now even 100% doesn't work, everything is ugly.

In a nutshell, I am fine with any improvements, but why to change design which worked just fine. With design here I mean colors and composition.
i don't like this new version. i'm unable to zoom the board, when i try to do everything else increases in size but the board remains the same.
Game analysis diagram has slight issue. After analysis all moves have scrore but in diagram there can a missing section
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This is money well spent, very much like the new version. :D

*I've seen the issue 'petri999' brings up, I'm sure it'll be fixed in due course. ;}
I much much much preferred V1.
I don't like the new colours as much as the V1 grey palette, but don't really care about the aesthetics that much.
Main issue for me is that I used to play with my chess window on the right hand side of my screen rather than fullscreen. Everything is now the wrong size, even when I go to my profile I can't see all the different time control stats on the left at ALL at ordinary zoom when the site isn't fullscreen, I have to zoom out or fullscreen.

Zoomed out the board looks awful, very fuzzy playing pieces. I could put up with the rest but fuzzy playing pieces are simply inexcusable in a chess website!

tl;dr: at ordinary zoom the everything is too big and I can't see what I want, zoomed out the pieces are fuzzy, not a good update.
More gameclock options please! I mean where to have it, and size of it. Would love to have gameclock under e and d squares. (And over for opponent) would look much more symetric than have to look to the right all the time.

And a options for a board layout where every 64 squares are marked like d4 etc.
I like the new lichess version; feels much more modern but still isn't too different from the old design :D
@lovlas I work only 80%. I do not know how to attach a screen, I would show you what I see at 100% and 80%.

I probably need to throw away my computer, he is 12 years old)))

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