
Let's talk about flagging opponents

@thomassowell123 As I said already, I was already quite tilted and created this forum without thinking about how my game actually went, and what I could have done better. In hindsight, time management is something I can work on, but I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on flagging in general, not specifically about my matches.
Also, thank you to everyone who has responded, I value every reply, and it's good to see this topic being discussed from different angles that I would never have thought of.

Also, Happy New Year's Eve or Happy New Years depending on your location :)

Hmmm that's actually very difficult to say abstractly.
I would say flagging is generally okay. My personal exception is, if none of the players can make any progress on the board and the time is roughly equal and not below like 10 seconds. But that's just a strong feeling I have because of this one game.
Everything else might be upsetting (I've been there, doesn't feel good but it's again, part of the game and format which you deliberately signed up for) but I wouldn't call it unacceptable or unethical.

I mean sometimes the player still needs to prove that their investment of time was worth it. Just as they'd need to prove that sacrificing a piece leads to a win. And yeah, just as I said before, in my opinion sacrificing material is the same thing as sacrificing time.
@selfbrain Really? That's good to know. I definitely cursed, which is not allowed on Lichess.

@tzsche_f Hmm... interesting take. Looks like we have different views, but that's exactly why i created this forum to get different opinions. Thanks for taking the time to reply and Happy New Year's Eve or New Years!

Flagging opponents when it is clearly a draw is morally wrong. There should ALWAYS be an increment at the end game.
Increment is for babies. it creates players who prefer to hesitate instead of being DECISIVE.
@thomassowell123 No. There are many games in which the outcome is clear, and players try to score points by flagging. That doesn't create decisive players, it creates cheap players, and makes a mockery of of the game.

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