
Foregive Putin and his gang for all the evil things they have done

Foregive Putin and his gang for all the evil things they have done. I believe there is only one path towards peace and progress in the world now. Let us foregive them (Putin and his gang). Give them a part of east Ukraine. Let’s try to develop compasion for eachother and our struggles. Focus also on loving both yourselves and our brothers and sisters in our different countries. Have faith that this is the right path. And start to also to have trust in yourselves and eachother .
This is the only way to peace and Progress. And can lead the way for the rest of the world.
Give him nothing. Get the hell out of The Ukraine. Do not forgive and do not forget.
There is no such thing as peace through weakness.

Might as well suggest Hitler should have been allowed to keep a part of Poland in 1939, as if that would have done anything except delay the war a bit and allowed the slaughter of Jews to be complete.
@Lars-trygve said in #1:
> Foregive Putin and his gang for all the evil things they have done.
This is EXACTLY what allowed Germany to rapidly expand and start WWII.
When Germany failed to pay France for war reparations stated in the Treaty of Versailles, nobody cared because they wanted to appease Germany and stay out of another world war.
When Germany began to militarize in the Rhineland, which went against the Treaty of Versailles, nobody cared because they wanted to appease Germany and stay out of another world war.
When the Nazis invaded Sudetenland and later the rest Czechoslovakia, Europe and the US did not care because they were willing wanted to appease Germany and stay out of another world war.
And then Hitler signed the Hitler-Stalin Pact and invaded Poland.
And WWII began.

Do you want another world war?
History has demonstrated that appeasement FAILS.
The real world is a cruel and unforgiving place, where kindness can be exploited and abused by the power-hungry.
Peace for our time
Neville Chamberlain
That worked out real well didn't it? This is what happens when you appease tyrants .
Someone like this should NOT be forgiven. Forgiving him will only encourage him to go even furthur. Giving a bad guy what he wants won't stop him. He literally INVADED a country that DOES NOT belong to him. And now you're suggesting we forgive him. Like are you insane? Would you forgive your neighbor if he broke into your house, killed you dog and children and wife and ruined your car? I bet not! So why are you suggesting we forgive a terrorist?

Ukraine needs to win. With all my heart I am with Ukrainians. You've got the strength to overcome this.


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