
This question of morality will keep you awake at, and you will hate me for it.

There's a cliff near the top of the mountain. On the edge hangs an adorable human child, and a cute little kitten. You can only save one before it dies. While we'd love to joke around and say we'd save the curvaceous cat, but we all know we'd save the human. But what if we didn't. What if we saved the meowster? What kind of situation would make you choose the frighted feline? What well written fictional or real over-the-top scenario would make you choose the clawed couch scratcher? From the magical demons of hell to the killer robots of the future, why must the litter launcher be the one you save?

You can answer this as a joke, or as a serious exercise of morality. The choice is yours. Just like the choice to save the litty kitty and let the toddler fall, screaming all the down, causing to avert you eyes before they fall, but look again to see if they're still alive(nope), wrapping you in guilt knowing you'll have to live with it the rest of your life.
I'm tired. It's been a long and very cold day. I'm going to bed and sleep. Goodnight.
I don't care what karma says, I'm still saving both, and there's nothing anyone can do about it WHAHAHA
The cat can prob survive the fall, especially a little one - squirrels can survive falls from any height; and a kitten is around the same size.
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I was certain I could reach the cat, but my legs are unreliable, and I doubt I could reach the boy. I want to try, but decide to take the closer one first, and by the time I try to reach the boy, it's too late.
@verylate said in #7:
> I was certain I could reach the cat, but my legs are unreliable, and I doubt I could reach the boy. I want to try, but decide to take the closer one first, and by the time I try to reach the boy, it's too late.
The answer's in your user name
I'll save the child obviously.
So what if the cat dies, it has 8 more lifes left.
Consider this a life lesson. Next time the cat is smarter.
A child only has one life.
@four_legs_good said in #6:
> Little boy was Adolf Hitler.
A child is a child.
Hitler, when he was just a kid, haven't done anything wrong.
It's his upbringing and the social environment that made him capable of becoming a mass murderer.
Can't blame a child for things they haven't done.

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