
Search "user:acetaminophen"

33 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - De la Maza method #3

Thanks for the reply friend! Silman is quite often right about whatever he talks about, so I'll give that article a read. Study from a book could be very useful, for it would help me also with the ori…

General Chess Discussion - De la Maza method #1

Hey guys! I'm reading about this method with the seven circles and stuff. It says it's good for us who are learning the game on our adult life, and seems to give real improvement on the tactical view …

Lichess Feedback - Analysis board suggestion#1

I'd like to be able to write notes on the analysis board. You know, you have days to move and sometimes you forget the plans and stuff.

Lichess Feedback - Time spent per move#1

So, the tool that shows you the time you used on every move goes only to 60''. Sometimes one uses several minutes before making a given move, so it would be great to improve the accuracy of this.

Lichess Feedback - Quotes#1

I don't think we have enough quotes, I actually think I've already seen them all (which speaks eloquently about my level of compulsive playing, but that ain't the point here). I suggest we start a che…

Lichess Feedback - Policy about cheaters#3

My score is certainly not back, as I think you caught him right after our second game for what you say, but well, I'm glad to hear he won't be able to do the same again. Thanks for the fast reply!

Lichess Feedback - Policy about cheaters#1

So, I'm playing against this guy kras_46, an I'm quite surprised about how fast and accurate his game is, and how easily he beats the shit out of me for such a low score as he has. Then, I go to the a…

Lichess Feedback - Chess lessons#1

Greetings fellows. I've been discussing about chess learning with some other users, and came with the idea that lichess could include an entire section dedicated to covering some theoretical subjects,…

General Chess Discussion - Improving without studying#7

Oh, good. You'll do me a great favor if you follow this link to join in, they give users credits for inviting people you know, I could win a board and nice st…

General Chess Discussion - Improving without studying#4

I think one thing that limits the will to study of most beginners and amateurs is the fact that there's many, many, many chess literature and aspects of the game to cover, and one can't simply focus o…
