
Puzzle Storm: Reactions, general opinions :)

@HeyGNC I see where you are coming from. But I prefer no animation, even though my high score is only 19.
For me the animation gets in the way of thinking about the puzzle, which I find a slight irritation, where as in a normal game I prefer animation. Still it's new, so I suspect lichess might be looking to make improvements/tweaks.
I have some additions :

- when you make a move in one move puzzles, it's hard to know whether it's right or not ( uses an overlay on the piece you moved to tell you).

- I think the music after you get a "pb / personal best" is unnecessary, in fact, the first time I played it jumpscared me.

- The numbers font are different than the normal one.

- A sound that inform you when your time is nearly up would be nice.

- The timer is too large.

Over all it's a great gamemode that I've been waiting to see in Lichess.
Great feature, really enjoying it this far, one minor suggestion: Add sound to every successful move as well.
puzzles were perfect one or two years ago, since then there were several updates made it worse with every update
(this does not refer to puzzle storm directly i know)
Amazing new feature, I think a lot of us really missed this compared to! Thank you! :)
Super stuff !
I hope we will be able to customize it in a near future, with our own settings. (timer, puzzle type, kitten animation for victory, who knows ? :p)
+1 dev team
The high-pitched sound that is played when time is added to the clock is very irritating to my ears. Please add an option to disable it.

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