
Are you pragmatic or idealistic?

Myself,I tend towards the pragmatic viewpoint.
I do try to see the reality of the situation,
That is ,how things are rather than how I wish they were.
So are you a realist or a dreamer?
@Dukedog said in #1:
> Myself,I tend towards the pragmatic viewpoint.
> I do try to see the reality of the situation,
> That is ,how things are rather than how I wish they were.
> So are you a realist or a dreamer?
A dreamer who makes his dreams come true. :Moai:
I guess I'm an idealist and a realist, in that I often see and experience things that 'are what they are' etc, yet do harbour an idealist view towards it, as in I find myself having to tell the creators of the situation that their system sucks etc, even though their ego will likely not allow them to take the criticism on board whatsoever, and the wimpy nature of "Karen's and Darren's" nowadays will make them melt if they goodness forbid, actually attempted a sensible debate with someone who doesn't agree. lol. :).

Anyway, that's that rant sorted. lol :).
None, I don't care. My ways of thinking doesn't matter, as long where is no action involved. It isn't a realism or dreamer, it is more what is the best for me. It is based on context of reality really much
@WassimBerbar said in #5:
> Am I the only one who doesn't get the title question?

I guess he's just testing us by asking the question twice using different words lol. :).
Another way of asking the same question: Do you look for a workable compromise that can be had but leaves you feeling not entirely satisfied; or do you "stick to your guns, no matter what" and go home with nothing but pride and unsatisfied resolve.

It is, in short, the central question posed by politics daily.

Oddly, there's no right answer that can be followed in all possible circumstances.
I would, for example, never compromise with a Hitler or a Stalin. Churchill taught us how to deny abject compromise.

But with the merely unwise we might sometimes be able to find a workable compromise, since even they may have some legitimate, defensible interests.
I am a person with ideals, but to achieve them, my practical, pragmatic viewpoint is a help.

In that way, then, I may be divided between the two...
I am rather phlegmatic.

idealizing will amount to imagining things and anticipating certain things, which is not good.

pragmatizing will mean constantly analyzing the current, the concrete, and losing part of the imaginative faculties of idealization.

So it’s better to be both, or nothing.

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